Arama sonuçlarınız

  1. linuxr00t7

    DarkChiper Keyword Scraper

    Equipped with 8 powerful search engines: Bing Google Yahoo Ebay Youtube Yandex Amazon DuckDuckGO Features Add Prefix and Suffix Proxy Support Multi-Threading Get faster more accurate results Stay ahead of the competition! CPM: 10K [/SPOILER]
  2. linuxr00t7

    SilentCryptoMiner 3.4.1 Release

    A free silent (hidden) native cryptocurrency miner capable of mining ETH, ETC, XMR, RTM and much more, with many features suited for mining silently. This miner can mine all the following algorithms and thus any cryptocurrency that uses one of them: Main Features - Native C++ - Miner...
  3. linuxr00t7

    SimpleCrypter [.NET/Native]

    A simple cryptor for .NET/Native files with Injection and obfuscation Features: • Anti-Debug • Anti-VM • StartUp • Melting • Running as Admin DOWNLOAD LINK VIRUSTOTAL
  4. linuxr00t7

    Ultimate Combo Tool | Ultra Fast | 12 Features

    This combolist tool offers a wide range of functionalities for managing text files efficiently. It allows users to combine multiple files, split them by lines or size, and randomize lines. It supports sorting lines alphabetically and extracting or removing lines based on keywords. The tool can...
  5. linuxr00t7

    Polygot Dork Generator

    [~] What are Dorks Dorks known as Google dorks refers to search syntax which allow users to search within a specific website (using the term in:url) or for specific file types, and can thus be used to search databases. [~] PolyGenerator This is a powerful tool coded in Rust designed to...
  6. linuxr00t7

    Veditor Combo Editor | 17 Modules | V1

    VEditor is a powerful commandline utility to work with combolists ------------------------- **** EDITING **** ------------------------- 1 - Lower Case Password 2 - Upper Case Password 3 - E;P -> U;P 4 - U;P -> E;P 5 - Replace Separator 6 - Replace Domain 7 - Domain Filter 8 - E;P, U;P -> P;E...
  7. linuxr00t7

    Phantom Crypter

    Phantom is an antivirus evasion tool that can convert executables to undetectable batch files. Features .NET/Native (x64/x86) support AES encryption compression Anti Debug Anti VM Melt file (Self Delete) Bind files AMSI bypass ETW bypass UAC Bypass startup Bootkit / Ring 0 Rootkit
  8. linuxr00t7

    BLTools v2.9.1 Pro Cracked

    a unique check method that allows you to work without a proxy and at the same time your cookies remain alive. Finds a valid session and checks for all possible information, and also sorts it in a convenient order into different folders and text files. So that you can easily find what you need...
  9. linuxr00t7


    SQLRAY V3.1.0 LTS is a powerful SQL injection vulnerability scanner designed for command-line interface (CLI) usage. It's an essential tool for penetration testers, offering proxyless functionality for streamlined scanning. Supporting a wide range of database management systems (DBMS) including...
  10. linuxr00t7

    SilverBulletPro v1.5.8

    Updates + Added Puppeteer3rdPartyCookies block (designed to control the browser's third-party cookie settings using Puppeteer) + Added find element by xpath in puppeteer + Added FirstKeyFoundAndExit option to KeyCheck block (When enabled, if a valid key is found, this option immediately halts...
  11. linuxr00t7

    XDumpGO v1.5 - Fastest SQL injection based dumper

    XDumpGO v1.5 - Fastest SQL injection based dumper | By Zertex⭐ ======================== features -Dork Generator -Dork Parsing -Injection Testing -Dumping -And More.... ======================== DOWNLOAD LINK virustotal NOTE Hacking tools are often flagged as hazardous or malicious by...
  12. linuxr00t7

    SilverBullet v1.1.4

    SilverBullet is a webtesting suite that allows to perform requests towards a target webapp and offers a lot of tools to work with the results. This software can be used for scraping and parsing data, automated pentesting, unit testing through selenium and much more. IMPORTANT! Performing (D)DoS...
  13. linuxr00t7

    Themida [cracked]

    Themida is a powerful software protection system designed for software developers who wish to protect Their applications against advanced reverse engineering and software cracking. Features - Anti-debugger techniques that detect/fool any kind of debugger - Different encryption algorithms and...
  14. linuxr00t7

    [BLTools] 2.9 Best Logs/Cookies Checker [cracked]

    Update v2.9 -Added a check for the cost of Steam inventory -Added sorting of accounts with Knives and Gloves. (Steam) -Added a check for active sale lots (Steam) -Fixed the Community Ban, VAC Ban check (now displays the game name) (Steam) -Added a check for Prime CS2 (Steam) -Updated...

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