- Coin Mixer of the new generation (BTC,BCH,LTC,ETH)


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
Tell me about the tariff Standard, what kind of coins is there? What is the difference between it and Exchanges Mix?

The tariff Standard is available for any coins that choose the system. Including those that were previously sent by other clients of the system.

The tariff Exchanges Mix is available for the coins evenly mixed with the coins directly from the crypto-exchanges.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
What is a difference between "wallet level high" and "wallet level infinite"?

We have developed a complex system of ranking wallets. This is our own development, which is only a tiny part of the whole complex. All the technical details and formulas of the complexity of the algorithm we can not tell you, unfortunately, but shotly it looks like this: in "infinite" wallets, coins are used only from exchanges, not from anyone.
The wallet with the money transferred directly from the exchange or from the miner ranks highest. In each new use in system the wallet rating goes down by a certain amount.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
Why should I set multiple payout addresses?
In all tariffs except for the Standard rate, the system does not allow to use fewer than two wallets for funds withdrawal to enhance transaction anonymity, this is why we recommend using as many addresses as possible to transfer the entire amount. Also, please note that using too many addresses you can face a situation when the transaction fee in the Bitcoin network will be identical or even exceed the wallet amount. For instance, do not use 100 wallets to transfer 1 BTC, while two wallets for this amount will be insufficient. The best option is using 4-5 wallets so that each wallet could have 0,2-0,25 BTC landed. Please NEVER MERGE funds in one wallet address after having them processed! This will lead all of your effort to naught. Keep your coins in as many wallet addresses as possible and never combine your transfers from these wallets into one transaction.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
I want to send a large transaction, can I be sure I will get my money back?

First and foremost, we are doing our best to maintain our positive reputation. It would be shortsighted of us to steal your money as we are sure to earn considerably more over the longer term. Besides, we don’t want to run the risk of losing our customers and wasting all our time and energies put in BitMaximum. Furthermore, all of our transactions are signed with a digital certificate. Last but not the least, you can process your coins in subsequent transactions, splitting them into smaller parts. With the BitMaximum algorithm, you will never get your own coins back regardless of the number of transactions you’ve made.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
What should I do if I close my browser before my transaction is confirmed?
As long as you have the receiving address, you have nothing to worry about. All Bitcoin transfers will be automatically processed within the next 72 hours.

When does the receiving address expire?
All automatically generated wallet addresses are valid for 72 hours to prevent reuse. After the expiration of this period the address as well as all order details will be completely deleted, future payments to this address will be ignored.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
How many transactions can be used for one payout?

To 'reinforce' the exchange process, the payout may be split into two transactions at no additional charge. This is a way to enhance your privacy.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
Why is it dangerous to use usual mixer services?

Usual mixers to use for withdraw the money is really extremely dangerous. Typically, a usual mixer mix "someone else's dirt" with your coins. After that, it turns out that the user hoped to clear his Bitcoin but in a result he gets someone else's coins of dubious origin.

For withdrow to real use the methods (exchange from cryptocurrency exchanges, from miners), where your coins will be replaced by a completely new and clean coins (necessarily white), unrelated to your past coins. This will ensure the highest level of your safety. And together with the smart mixing it will give a synergy effect.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
ShapeShift "betrayed" the ideals and philosophy of Bitcoin!

They implement AML / KYC procedures. Now they will collect personal data of all their customers. This means that there can be no anonymity. Now all users of ShapeShift are under surveillance.

There is one more reason to consider ShapeShift unsafe. This use of JS on site and the absence of .onion mirrors (for TOR).

1) I Will try to explain in simple language. When you go to the site (exchanger, exchange), you the fingerprint are taken. You are now recorded and located in big brother's database. Even if you change your IP and enter a new account, you will still be identified and associated with your past actions (chains). (And also under certain conditions with your real identity, with your personal pages in soc.networks, other services, accounts that you used on Computer). To change the fingerprints you need to use different antidetect systems that need to be professionally configured.

This is a very deep topic and we can talk about it for many many hours. There are many services to check for fingerprinting.

If you do not use any anonymization tools on the network, then in a detailed report of such a service, most likely, you will see that you are tracked by type of system fonts, presence or absence of ad blocker and even by type and model of video card...

2) Sites that require enabled JS may collect a lot of information about you.
The operating system, installed fonts, graphics card, version of graphics cards will affect how your fingerprint will look like drivers, the antialiasing settings, type and browser version, as well as the features of the display. Subtle differences abound, but they hard to influence-the perfect combination for tracking. There are more than 30 options that can collect spyware sites!!!

3) Javascript Enabled in the browser — it's not a joke — it's a compromise of the browser, computer and ultimately the user. What to do, it's up to you to decide, but I will not advise the enemy to include Javascript. And also avoid the mixing services that work through JS.

Very soon we will provide the world with the most secure and anonymous cryptocurrency exchanger! There will be a lot of liquidity, large volumes, high speed and different directions for exchange. And most importantly - your calm.


Yeni Üye
25 Eyl 2018
Tepkime puanı
How we differ from other services:

- First, we are driven by an idea! We are a community of enthusiasts, gathered together the representatives of the IT industry, for whom the phrase "private life" is not an empty phrase. We understand that not everyone is ready to sacrifice the privacy for dubious benefits. That is why we have created a service that allows you to protect yourself from too close attention of third parties to your transactions in the Bitcoin network.

- Second: usual (the other) mixing services are morally old. The disadvantage of the usual service is that you giving a "dirty money" at the result you can also get a " dirty money", only not yours. We have added a cleaning function to the service, as a result, you get money from Bitcoin exchanges or mining. We have developed the innovative methods of mixing, improving the classical algorithms. In fact, we have everything cleverly thought out and everything is difficult (our ratings and wallet levels; unique ranking system of the wallets (the direct correlation of the level of wallet with the level of privacy); a powerful strong algorithm of randomization (at the depth of the chain, time and size of the commission); protection against Sybil Attack, etc.. And it is only a small part of the list!!! Everything is thought out to the smallest details! There is no way to trace the transaction chain using the existing services.

- The third: the distinctive feature is our variety of tariffs. Depending on the amount of funds and the level of privacy you need, we offer different rates, the parameters of which you can study on the page

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